ALL202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 2023.05.30【CD販売ブース】SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG LIVE TOUR会場限定特典決定! 2023.05.30【当選番号発表】SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG ミニアルバム「君という桜の花びらが僕の心に舞い降りた。」リリース記念プレミアムイベント&サイン会 2023.05.29SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG new song "Tsukama no Koi" has been selected as the opening track for TV Asahi's music program "BREAK OUT"! 2023.05.29SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG LIVE TOUR "A cherry blossom petal called you fell into my heart. ] Goods venue pre-sale time notice 2023.05.255/31 Broadcast SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG will appear as a comment on TV Asahi's 24 nationwide broadcast "BREAK OUT"! 2023.05.24SUPER JUNIOR–YESUNG released the music video for "Momentary Love" from the Japanese original mini-album released today! 2023.05.19SUPER JUNIOR–YESUNG first Japanese original mini-album in 4 years, title & jacket photo released! In addition, the full contents of the recording will be released! 2023.05.19SUPER JUNIOR–YESUNG Japanese original mini album after 4 years"A cherry blossom petal called you has fallen into my heart." Bonus design released! 2023.05.19SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG LIVE TOUR "A cherry blossom petal called you fell into my heart. 』Due to the opening of the equipment seats, additional seats for the Osaka performance will be sold! 2023.05.18SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG LIVE TOUR "A cherry blossom petal called you fell into my heart. ] Goods will be released!